By the shores of a lake near my house lives a big tree who often calls to me. She towers over the trail where people walk, exposed roots twist and turn as they meander into the water. Sometimes I just walk by and say hello from afar. Other times, like this morning, she invites me over for a visit.
Before entering her sacred space, I always ask permission to walk upon her strong, yet vulnerable, roots. Gently bending beneath the low-hanging branches, I approach the massive trunk. Excitement fills me. Her vibration underfoot keeps me alert and aware of her strength. A sense of awe comes. My heart grows warm as I anticipate her sharing of love. Her presence penetrates deep into my soul with each breath we share. I will be renewed today.
My hand rests on one of her large outstretched limbs as I balance near water's edge. Energy pulsates through my arm from hers. At my heart center, this energy merges with that energy coming up from her roots, through my feet, legs, and trunk of my body. I thank her as I inhale her magnificent power, her love, protection. And I ask for God's blessing of courage, strength, love, and protection, as he has given to my dear friend.
The vibration between us deepens as I close my eyes. Soon, I find myself humming a gentle aum, matching the life-force she pulls from the depths of earth's center. I breathe. We fall into sync— together, we aum. Every cell in my body is vibrating. My feet are firmly planted, yet I have the sense of floating, of being held, cradled. Soon, I feel centered, grounded—I am one with the Universe.
In a trance-like place, I am still very aware of my surroundings. I hear water lapping at the banks reminding me of her power as she dives deeper still, far beneath where I can't go. My respect for her grows. My friend fills me with grounding energy to replenish my first chakra, but as an extra measure of love, she renews my second chakra too. She knows I wish to be in a creative mode today. I accept her gift of the water element, encouraging my creative juices to bubble and move me in new directions.
As the earth's song of aum reverberates deep within my bones, eyes open. With a surge of energy my head goes back. I look to see, not one, but three powerful trunks reaching up into the sky. Instantly, I know these represent perfect unity of mind, body, spirit—Trinity of Truth. Life-force energy clears my mind, strengthens my body, renews my spirit. I feel whole and balanced. And I now understand why she has been calling my name.
With respect and honor, I will now call my tree friend by her true name—Trinity.