Unlike the character, Seven of Nine, from Star Trek, I am all human (at least I think so!) but I do relate to one part of her—the "of nine" part. When people learn that I am from a family of nine kids they often want to know where I fall in line. So, I find myself saying, "I'm eight of nine" a lot. I only learned about Seven of Nine when a "trekkie" replied back with, "Oh, you're like Seven!" Learning that someone, albeit, a science-fiction character, was referred to as "of nine" piqued my interest. It made me think about where I was in the line "of nine" and what it could mean. It made me think a bit more about Eight.
The number eight is pretty significant for me, as it turns out. For example, an eight-legged creature has been showing up in my life quite a lot over the past few years. The spider. It used to freak me out—they were everywhere! I had recurring dreams with all colors, shapes, and sizes of spiders. While walking through the middle of my house a spider would be hanging at eye level in the middle of the room! I nearly side-swiped another car one time as spider dangled from my visor, happily twirling as it basked in the warmth of the day's sunshine. While sitting at my vanity, I saw a regular visitor in the mirror strolling across the wall behind me . Or, one time, the blackest spider I've ever seen sat on the sleeve of the white shirt I was pulling from my wardrobe. The worst, though, was probably last year as I turned down the covers to crawl into bed. I startled the little bugger as he scurried under my pillow for safety. Yikes, now they're in my bed! By this time, though, I'd come to expect them and knew they meant no harm.
I've actually come to respect Spider as a close ally, a guide—one of my teachers in life.
After doing a bit of reading on the symbolism of spider, I was both stunned and relieved. What I learned was fascinating, given all that was going on in my life. The spider represents feminine power, creativity, weaving (designing) one's life (web), and actually capturing what is needed in that web. All things which resonated deeply in me.
When the encounters with spider first started (at least when I began noticing them), I was in transition from a masculine (engineering) line of work to more feminine and nurturing (healing) work; I had hired a writing coach to help me focus on some important (creative) projects; I was tearing down an old way of living and literally reweaving my new life (web); and I was attracting people, things, and opportunities (capturing them in my web) to support my transformation. It was uncanny. I had a newfound respect for all the spiders in my life. Absolutely fascinating—and very helpful!
Animals play a significant role in our lives. And once we come to understand this, we are armed with more tools to run our lives. Since spider became so prevalent in my life, I started paying attention to other animal friends. In addition to Spider, many animals have shown up for me—and the message is always relevant for whatever I have going on or need to pay attention to. The book, "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews, has provided a lot of information about my various encounters and how to interpret them. I've learned, for example, Bear is about "Awakening to The Power of The Unconscious"; Finch is about "Energy of Variety and Multiplicity"—meaning an increase in opportunities and a variety of activities (life is about to get busier!); and Cougar is about "Coming into Your Own Power". In light of all the changes in my life, I found this to be quite amazing ...and very believable!
As far as I know, the only thing I have in common with Seven is the "of nine" part. But I do appreciate her help in prompting me to look into the significance of my own "of nine" number. And out of curiosity, I looked up Seven on the Internet. I read about the Borgs, the alien species that abducted her at age six—to claim her as their own and to "enhance" her. I learned that the Borg's mission is to achieve, what they believe to be, perfection. Although the antagonist in the script, these aliens, the Borgs, were Truth-seekers, in their own right. Aren't we all....
Now when I say I am number eight of nine, I get a little sentimental as I honor the (feminine) energy that has awakened in me. My eight-legged friends have arrived to help me create and design my journey. They've helped me attract exactly what I've needed—in my web—along the way. Now, each time I encounter Spider, I am reminded to align with her powerful energy and claim it as my own.
When we become aware of the messages in and around our lives we come to know ourselves a bit more. With a little study, we begin to consider how this new awareness might shift our thoughts, our attitude, in a way that helps our growth. When we follow the guidance, and take action, we are lead toward our authentic Self, our Truth.