Friday, August 24, 2012

Trinity of Truth Tip: I Can See Clearly Now

When you leave your car parked under a an old evergreen tree for weeks, your windshield gathers layers of sap, building a sticky film.  It's the same with your intuition—it gets clouded when you sit idle, when you choose to limit your field of vision by not being open-minded or exploring new ways of thinking.  To be more intuitive, you've got to move your mind, open it.  If you don't it grows weak, dull, narrow, and like the dirty windshield, blurry—making  it hard to see what's ahead of you.

Challenge yourself to see things from various points of view.  When something or someone causes you to feel angry, consider what in their behavior is triggering your reaction.  Shift your perspective from "why are they treating me this way" to "I wonder what's going on for them that's causing them to act out so poorly?"  People generally have negative behavior because they are suffering.  Open your mind and see the world from their perspective.  As the cliché goes, "walk a mile in their shoes...." Also study other religions, political beliefs, or cultures—without judging them.  Open your mind to a more global point of view.

When you begin to shift your understanding and see that others are doing the best they can with what they have or know at the time, your vision widens.  Your heart softens.  You begin to see more clearly and are no longer so offended or annoyed.  You come to know that what other people do or say really has nothing to do with you. 

When you wipe away judgments, biases, and expectations, it's like washing the windshield—you can see clearly now.