Thursday, September 9, 2010

Law 2: Creative Expression!

One of the first questions I ask new clients is how they express themselves creatively. And I am never surprised when the first part of their answer is, "Well, I used to...." followed by, "I don't know why or when I stopped; it brought me so much joy". Before reading further, stop for a moment and answer this question for yourself. How do you express yourself creatively? Did you used to enjoy photography, painting, writing, or dancing, for example? Or, is there a secret part of you that would love to play a musical instrument or sing? What is it that makes your heart skip a beat, your eyes sparkle, or feel like a little kid inside when you imagine doing it?

The Sacral, or second, chakra is about creation; the physical expression of our creative spirit, healthy relationships with things outside ourselves, and actually 'birthing' new life into this world. Expressing ourselves through some form is an important component to creating healthier relationships to other things: people, money, jobs ...all that stuff we get attached to! The second chakra teaches us the importance of developing healthy "detachment" with the physical things in our lives so as not to deplete our energy by relying on those same things (or people) for our main source of happiness.

Happiness is not found in "things" but from that deeper relationship we cultivate with ourselves. We do this by engaging all the chakras, but with a focus on the second chakra, we have awareness on what or who we might be looking to for happiness.

The second chakra is our emotional, pleasure, center so it is very natural to form attachments - we all do it! So, first step is to identify what may be holding you back, what might be depleting your energy because of an unhealthy (needy) attachment? Is it your job? I believe that everyone should love their work, but do you at least "like" your job? Or, is it a friend? The kind of "friendship" that is one-sided? The friend that's always dumping on you with no invitation of reciprocity? Think about this. What or who is it that's got a hold on you?

Now, write a AAA Plan to help you clearly identify, on paper, what area of your life (or someone else's) that's pulling at you, depleting you and how to take action.

Awareness: write a statement about what you've come up with. Make a list if you need to, but then pick just one thing for now.

Action: what "one" thing can you do to change the situation? I know it might be hard, but this sometimes means you have to end relationships. I have divorced friends in the past that did not give me friendship in return. By the way, this is not a selfish act! If someone is depleting you, and you are allowing it, what good are you for the other friends and family? Not to mention - you!

Affirmation: I am a/ the __________ that ___________ (does what to support healthy detached relationships or the ability to express myself creatively).

Affirmations can be simple statements (mantras) too. The above is just a suggestion or can be used to get you thinking.


I express myself joyfully!

I am a creative and talented Being!

My gifts and talents hold the key to my happiness; I express them easily and joyfully!

I am a brilliant story teller that shares her wisdom joyfully!

I "choose" only friendships that serve my highest good!

Use the above exercise to continually ask yourself "How do I express myself creatively" or "Who or what in my life is limiting my creative juices or not 'friending' me equally". Refer to your list and whittle away at it, one action at a time.

With a healthy vibration in the Sacral Chakra our passions are ignited as we celebrate our unique gifts with the world! When we do this, we automatically attract the exact relationships to match the healthier vibration we are expressing. This happens because our mere presence becomes radiant, confident, and more attractive. Celebrate your talents! YOU are a radiant Being!

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