Most of the time, I am a pretty decisive person. I can usually know how to make the best choice for any given situation, but sometimes I do get stuck. My friend, Kathleen, gave me a very simple—yet powerful—tip on how to make a decision when on the fence about something. It works every time. She said, "If it's not 100% yes, then it's NO!". I have been using this trick for making decisions for all sorts things—from what to eat, where to go on vacation, to important financial matters.
Give it a try next time you're trying to make a decision. Accepting the answer as NO—at least for now—is very freeing and depending on the issue NO is often a very a positive answer. For me, I no longer wallow with indecisiveness—where I lose clarity or get myself into situations where I am spread too thin—but make the most of my time by being confident in making a "yes or no" decision.
Making a decision, any decision—yes or no—is like finally reaching the light of day after a long and stressful drive through thick fog on a slippery mountain pass. You feel so happy to be on the other side of it where you can finally relax and enjoy the moment of the here and now instead of worrying about what's behind or in front of you.
If it's not 100% yes, it's no ...let it go ...get in "this" moment ...where life really happens anyway.
nice , another good use for the intuition I am tuning into more these days. You are so wise you must be athousand years old