Saturday, March 17, 2012

Trinity of Truth Tip: The Self "PEP" Talk—What Is It and Why Does It Work?

Many times we find ourselves consoling friends and family in their times of need.  And sometimes they provide comfort to us too.  But sometimes we need a kick in the pants that can only come from the person who knows us bestourselves!  More times than not, you have to be on the giving and receiving end of your pep talks.  That's where the Self PEP Talk comes in.

What does PEP mean and how does "Self PEP Talk" help?  It's sort of like a cheer and it goes like this:

Gimme a "P"

P is for Positive:  positive self talk shifts your attitude from "poor ole me"the victim roleto an attitude of gratitude.  One tool for positive talk is the use of affirmations.  Try this: Make a list of what's troubling youwhy you need a pep talk, a boostand then write a counter statement to cancel it out. 

For example, if you are experiencing low self-worth you might write, "I am not capable of giving or receiving love and feel completely worthless" and then next to it, write, "I am an innocent and powerful Being surrounded by, and worthy of, the radiant glow of love and light that surrounds me."  Then allow yourself to feel the truth in those words.  And do your best to really, really, believe them!

Gimme an "E"

E is for Empowerment:  Reminding yourself that you are indeed worthy of love and capable of giving and receiving all the nurturing you desire gives you a sense of empowerment.  That is to say, you regain your power.  Somewhere along the way, you gave it away.  Self PEP Talk helps you get it back.

Gimme a "P"

P is for Perspective:  Once you shift to a Positive attitude and feel Empowered you have a new point of view—a new Perspective.  You are in a position to see the situationwhatever had you feeling down on yourselfmore objectively.  When you can see any situation more objectively, it is easier to relinquish the victim role and see that whatever had a hold on you is just another opportunity for growth, if you choose it to be.  Perspective is where we are given the choice to not only take back our power but claim it, own it, but taking the ultimate step of personal responsibility.  We get to choose—every single time—how to respond. 

Seriously, what other people do, don't do, say, or don't say is never about you.  Ever.  Sure, it still stings and scars but you can get your power back when you stop reacting, defending, explaining, denying.  You stop these things when you shift your attitude.  Taking on the role of observer is the most helpful tool for shifting your attitude, getting clarity, understanding and working through your emotions.  It really works.  And remember life is a process.  Cheer it on in the good times and bad times.  There's something to learn, to gain, in every situation if you can just stop for minute and remember to not take itother people's stuffpersonally.  It's Not About You!

One More Tip:  When you're feeling down and need a boost, focus on your accomplishments, not your failures.  But also think about the lessons you've learned from the failures and how you got through them.  Make a list of your successes.  How did you achieve the highest points in life.  What strengths did you draw on to achieve these things? Bottom line: you've got to be your own best cheerleader!  

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