Friday, April 27, 2012

Trinity of Truth Tip: If There's A Will, There's A Way

When we allow our lives to be governed by other people, from the role of victim, we lose our sense of individuality. When we live in reaction to how other people treat us, or how we perceive they are treating us, we stop being ourselves. We do this because we’ve lost trust in ourselves—we stop believing in ourselves. This happens because we disconnect from our deeper all-knowing self, our internal GPS. When we can’t trust our guidance system, we lose our way, just like in driving. If you feel you've disconnected somehow from your inner wisdom, your inner knowing (intuition), think about what change would get you back on course.  Gandhi's quote, "Be the change you wish to see..."  is one of my all time favorites.  In order to change our surroundings, we must change ourselves.  

* Trinity of Truth Tip: If There’s A Will, There’s A Way *
It takes will and determination to bring real change. Sometimes things will flow into your life with effortless ease, but other times you need to muster up a little courage and a lot of will and determination to bring change or make change stick or evolve into lasting change. Get quiet and imagine the change you want. See it, feel it, be with it. How does it feel? Do you really, really want change? If you do, what one thing—within your control—can you do? Name just one thing. If you can’t find even one thing, you are claiming the role of victim.

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