There are so many benefits of living ones Trinity of Truth. We are less susceptible to any negative energy around us. We are more grounded, more confident and less vulnerable to what other people do or say. We find that we are at peace within ourselves. For example, since living my Trinity of Truth, I've learned that what other people do or say has absolutely nothing to do with me. And I have found a sense of freedom and peace that I could never have imagined.
On the path to my Trinity of Truth I also discovered a set of seven laws that make it easy to stay on course.
Law 1: Every day presents opportunities to make us feel ungrounded. The first law states that we will remain true to our core values keeping us grounded, secure, and safe. Like a an old oak tree, our roots grow deep into the earth. These strong and healthy roots grow from the bottom of our feet, keeping us firmly planted even in the fiercest storm.
Law 2: Everyone is born with some special talent that must be expressed creatively. The second law states that we will carve out time each day for creative expression. It could be as simple as arranging food on a plate , sculpting with clay, writing a poem, or as great as painting the next masterpiece for a museum. Our passions ignite as talents come to life, awakening our soul, touching and shaping the lives of others.
Law 3: Time often gets in the way of self-love. The third law states that self-care is at the core of empowerment and the number one priority for long-term happiness. The relationship to Self is the same as with God and requires commitment in order to sustain a lasting bond. When we nurture God's temple, our bodies, we are showing respect to Spirit which unlocks the door to higher awareness.
Law 4: To give love is easy, but to open ones heart to receive it is more difficult. The fourth law states that we must be vulnerable and surrender to accepting love. To recognize the opportunities for loving gestures all around us; the door held open, a friendly smile, an XO at the end of note. Turn these small gestures into mountains of love pouring directly into your heart-center, filling you with an abundance of love that penetrates to the depths of your Being with every breath.
Law 5: Speaking our truth sometimes makes us feel self-conscious. The fifth law says that we must speak joyfully and from the heart. The sound of joyful expression is the voice of God; therefore, one cannot fake joy. When ego interferes, we shall turn within and remember we are speaking on God's behalf. When we speak truthfully, the resonance of God's joy validates that truth.
Law 6: Clear vision is sometimes clouded by confusion. The sixth law states that in order to see clearly, one must practice the skill of listening. When we seek first to understand, then to be understood, it clears the path to see with clarity. Being mindful of how we listen allows us to also see the beauty in others; therefore, seeing the beauty in ourselves.
Law 7: Having a spiritual practice is the cornerstone of keeping the other laws united. The seventh law states that when we devote time to commune with God on a regular basis, we find peace in all areas of our life. And to realize that Self is God shows us that we are all one, in union with the same God, making it obvious that the pathway to peace is simply to abide by all seven laws.
When I violate one of the laws that keep me in alignment, I become susceptible and lose my balance, I lose my Trinity of Truth, and am sucked into the whirlwind of other people's drama. When this happens, I become ungrounded, resentful, defended, closed off, reserved, and I lose my sense of clarity. I become enmeshed with their misery and all three components of my "truth" become compromised, out of balance.
To get back to center, I work at being more aware of what law I may be violating so I know what action to take. Once I figure out what next step to take, I then write an affirmation and use it as a mantra as a constant reminder of what needs my attention or where I may need to change my attitude about something.
An example affirmation I wrote for myself when feeling that someone had done something "to me", like I'd been victimized in some way, goes like this:
"I am free of all judgments as I release my own, sending love to all those around me."
When we feel violated by what someone else does or says, it never has anything to do with us - this person is going to do what they do regardless of who may be in their line of fire. In my experience, I have learned that these 'violators' of the law are suffering in some way. If I can stay in my place of Truth, I not only shield myself from harm's way, but I am even able to help the situation, the person's suffering, by quietly sending them love. It really works!
Or another one when looking for direction goes like this:
"I am the light that shines into the darkness, clearing the way for my soul's journey to peace, love, and joy!" Or another variation: "I am a beacon of light that guides my soul toward peace, joy, harmony."
What is it that may be holding you back or causing you to feel a sense of imbalance? Study the laws and see which one (or ones) resonate, which ones speak to you. Sit with this and then write yourself an affirmation. I call this the AAA Plan: Awareness, Action, Affirmation. What do you need to be aware of, what action can you take? Now, sustain it with the affirmation (and use it as a mantra!). Another variation of the AAA Plan I use often is: Awareness, Attitude, Action and from this write the Affirmation to sustain all three.
An easy formula for writing an affirmation: I am a/the --(noun)-- that --(verb)--- _________________.
A warm thank you to Brooke Warner for this simple and easy-to-use formula!
Upcoming posts will include some common reasons and situations that tempt us to veer of course or break one of the laws and throw us out of balance from Mind, Body, Spirit . Posts will also include tools for tapping into your intuition and how to meditate; two important components in sustaining ones Trinity of Truth!
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