I coined the phrase, Trinity of Truth, because I happen to be one of those people who needs structure, something to keep hold of when life tempts me to veer of course. This easy-to-remember phrase offers me that structure. When faced with a situation that tests my ability to stay with my Truth I come back to this phrase, employ its structure, and find myself back on solid ground. The reason this works so well is because it requires no work in the heat of the moment; where emotions interfere, thoughts feel scattered, and clarity is lost. All I have to do is mentally chant "Trinity of Truth" to neutralize any situation.
The Trinity of Truth is the harmonious state of a balanced Mind, Body, and Spirit. The Trinity, mind-body-spirit, becomes our Truth when balanced. Truth is our commitment to live in alignment with our soul, our purpose. It is in this place where we find peace and life flows more naturally, more easily.
When we are living our Trinity of Truth we radiate a light that shines into the darkness, eliminating obstacles that may be holding us back. We bring awareness to every challenge so that our internal wisdom may shift our attitude allowing us to embrace our authentic self. We express ourselves with abandon and the life force within us, our vitality, keeps pushing us to take right action in order to serve our soul's purpose.
If mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, our emotional health is balanced, allowing for peace and joy in regard to our environment - people, things, and situations. When we are in our Trinity of Truth we are less likely to be influenced by external temptations or energies that may hold us back or zap the life, the vitality, right out of us!
This blog will offer tools and techniques to help you move toward your Trinity of Truth. I'll teach you how to tap into your intuition using the body's energy centers. Your intuition will serve as your navigation system, guiding you, directing you, as you journey toward your soul's purpose, your calling. These simple and easy-to-use solutions (soul-utions) can be employed by anyone in any situation.
I invite you to join me on the pursuit of Truth by balancing your Trinity. Upcoming posts will offer specific tools and guidance on how to do this. In the meantime, consider what mind-body-spirit means to you and where you are in this moment with regard to each of the three components. What do you need to be aware of? What may be holding you back from living your Trinity of Truth?
Many blessings of joy!
Beautifully written, Ruth! I love your words on structure. Trinity of Truth is a great example of creating a new supportive structure. Thank you!