Thursday, June 30, 2011

Root Chakra

The last post, heart chakra, mentioned the root chakra as related to feeling grounded or getting knocked off center. So, I will pick it up with the root chakra here.

The root (first) chakra is literally the foundation of the chakra system and resides at the base of the spine. The root chakra corresponds to the feeling of being grounded, secure, and safe and cultivates our sense of belonging or community. With a healthy vibration in the root chakra, all other chakras are more easily awakened, opening up potential healing in all areas of our Being. The first chakra is red in color.

Let's say you have issues related to feeling unsafe and insecure in your environment. Or, perhaps you feel like a loner and have no sense of belonging. If you grew up in a highly-dysfunctional family or where one or both parents suffered from alcoholism, drug addiction, or mental illness---things that took their attention off you, the child in need, to their needs---you may lack the sense that someone's "got your back". Lacking a sense of someone being there for you negatively affects the root chakra. 

It's not to place blame on your parents, but to simply understand, become aware, that they were doing the best they could the time. You might come to see that your parents were in the midst of their own battle to survive. Perhaps they lacked the skill or desire to function as you would have liked. The bottom line is that it's not about you! Their actions are "their" actions. Take no responsibility. But, perhaps you did feel a sense neglect and continue to feel unsafe, insecure, or even paranoid in your environment. Basically, you don't have that deep knowing of someone looking out for you. This is a scary place to be!

When we lack a sense of security we tend to hold back on taking risks, exploring life, and just going for it. We fear that if we fail, no one will be there to pick us up, kiss our wounds, give us encouragement to keep going, and continue cheering us on. We feel abandoned, alone, scared.

A few things that can block energy in the root chakra:

• Believing you are not worthy of the perfect "tribe" (community, family).
• Staying in a job or relationship that feels toxic because you're afraid to move on.
• Not following through on commitments to others.
• Shutting others off out of fear.
• Feeling judged by family and loved ones for not following the "mold" (maybe you are being judged, but "it's not about you"'s their problem!).

Using the issue of growing up without nurturing and supportive parents or being judged by family or loved ones, below are some issues that might show up:

• Mental/Emotional: rigid, stubborn, hot-headed, closed-off, secretive.
• Physical: blood-related illness, legs, feet, hips, knees.
• Spiritual: lack trust in life, your surroundings, and people.

What to do to get back to center, balanced:

For repairing damage: To correct an imbalance in the root chakra search out like-minded people and begin building and expanding your community. Build a "tribe" that supports YOU---no matter what. This is the best way to gain confidence and break out of your mold of holding back out of fear to living a more peaceful, joy-filled, and exciting life. When we feel safe, we release our fears and live from the heart ...we become more childlike, authentic. We let loose!

For preventative maintenance: See other people (everybody!) as related to you. I believe we are all related in the sense that we share the same "life-force", or source of energy, that keeps us alive. I see all other human beings as what I call my soul-siblings. I see everyone as a soul. Doing this helps me feel, and stay, connected. And we see those who judge us with a sense of compassion instead of feeling defended.

Seek out whatever gives you a connection to Spirit. Maybe it's going on more hikes (join a club to meet others), sitting beneath trees (and talking with them), observing nature (feeling the vibration as you breathe), going to church, learning to meditate (or increase your time), volunteer (where you'll meet like-minded people). Whatever it is, do it often and never stop ...ever.

A healthy root chakra will keep you grounded while the higher more creative and spiritual chakras provide guidance on what makes your heart dance, your voice sing, and lights a fire in your belly!

Try this: Settle into a quiet state of mind. Take a deep cleansing breath. Hold briefly with a focus on your heart center. On the exhalation, breathe out any old belief patterns that have held you back. Next, inhale a radiant light. Let this light penetrate deeply, touching each and every cell of your body. Hold for a brief moment. Feel a vibration inside you shaking loose the old beliefs filled with fear. Now, exhale through the mouth with great will all that has been shaken loose. See this old energy evaporating into the light. Do this five times. Then sit quietly for as long as you like.

Know that there is a divine connection within each of us; therefore, you do, and always will, have a tribe, a community. You are safe, secure, and loved ...always, and in all ways.
