Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Trinity of Truth Tip: Ah-motional Breathing for Emotional Balancing

Each chakra has a vowel sound associated with it.  Using your voice to express the sound (we call this toning in energy healing) serves as a way to "tune" the energy of a particular chakra to its best and highest energetic frequency.  The "ah" sound is used for the heart chakra.  

Whenever you feel emotionally spent or depleted try this to rebalance the heart center:      
Place your hand on your chest.  Close your eyes.  Begin breathing through your nose.  Feel your breath coming and going.  Notice the depth of your breath, how your chest rises and falls. 
After establishing smooth rhythmic breathing (about three to five cycles) open your mouth on the exhale.  Inhale through the nose again.  Now, add the sound "ah" on each exhaling breath. 
With your hand still on your chest, feel the vibration of "ah" as you exhale.  If you can't feel the vibration, increase the tone (get louder) until you do. 
Imagine the vibration clearing the path for emotions to rise to surface.  Imagine the breath, the energy, the vibration, starting at the base of the spine.  See it rising toward the heart.  Allow the energy to settle into the heart center.  When you're ready, allow the vibration to expand.  The vibration of "ah" is the essence of love.  Tune into what love really, really, feels like.
Knowing that nothing is stronger than love, see the shields around the heart begin to crumble.  Feel the vibration expanding throughout your chest.  Imagine light expanding, radiating from the heart center, shattering anything that binds your heart.  Releasing as you exhale.  As you sing "ahhh..." letting go of what no longer serves you. Breathing, letting go ever more gently.    
Tears are God's way of cleansing and healing a broken or saddened heart.  If they come, let them flow.