Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Trinity of Truth Tip: Talk to Your Problems About God

Prayer is for honoring God, but it's also where we go for guidance, help, and to resolve problems.  Regardless of your reason, always begin prayer in a state of appreciation.  Counting your blessings sets the tone to one that most resembles God-like energy.  Next, repeat "Thank you for loving me" for several minutes.  Tune into the moment. My mom taught me that when it comes to asking for help, "Don't talk to God about your problems, talk to your problems about God."

Consider a current problem.  How would you share your knowledge of God with the problem?  How could your understanding of God help?  What would you say?  Instead of simply "turning it over to God," shift your circumstances by consciously and deliberately sharing your wisdom.  Set the scene and watch it play out.  Observe the outcome. 
Close by giving thanks to God for helping you and for loving you.