Thursday, November 24, 2011

Trinity of Truth Tip: Count Your Blessings, Not Your Worries

In my old job I sat at a desk staring at a computer screen for many hours per day.  I was one of those people who taped little inspirational quotes and affirmations all around the perimeter of the monitor—easily in sight.  One of those items, a small plastic frame with a positive saying, was right in the middlefront and centeron the flat edge along the top.    

The simple saying was, "Count your blessings, not your worries."  The words were surrounded by cute little flowers, simply drawn and in a variety of colors.  But the flowers were, what looked to me like, dancing!  Exploding with energy, enthusiasm, as they smiled back at me.  Bouncing with joy as if they were actually showing off!  Shouting "I am super happy and so I dance! ...because I can."   

I didn't always remember to look up when feeling bad, but when I did, it only took me a moment to count the infinite blessings in my life.  I had just forgotten about them for a minute. 
TOT Tip: Count Your Blessings Not Your Worries
The moment you feel overwhelmed, tense, worried, alone, fearful, sad, agitated, depressed, or any other feeling that is the opposite of joy, stop ...right then and there. 

Next, take a deep cleansing breath.  Now, think of how special it is to have that breath.  Feel your breath deep inside your chest, right at your heart center. On your next inhale and exhale, feel the energy of your breath expand into your arms, legs, belly, throat, up into your brain ....replenishing every cell in your body with light, joy, vitality 

Starting from there, feeling deep gratitude for your breath ...thank your breath for giving you life, for sustaining you.

Next, count some other blessings.  Think about a few things you are grateful forit can be anything that makes you feel happy, appreciative, thankful, or privileged.  And then accept these things as precious gifts. 
Next, be like those flowers bouncing with joy.  Feel the dance of your breath ...because you can.   
On this day of Thanksgiving, like those dancing flowers, I am super happy ...feeling the life force running through my veins, pulsating, vibrating, filling me with joy!  And so I breathe ...because I can.
Peace to all ....and Happy Thanksgiving!