Tuesday, December 20, 2011

TOT Tip: Reclaim Your Power by Making a Running Action List Notebook

In my old job I often found myself with so many action items I would run in circles trying to figure out which thing to do next—and more often than not unable to find my notes on that thing I was supposed to do next!  It was crazy!  I had a different notebook for each project, which also meant I had all my various actions in multiple locations.  To make matters worse, I would often get called into an impromptu meeting without any notebook—say while taking the risk of being seen by all the other action-givers by leaving my office to get a drink or go to the bathroom!

The actions from those unplanned meetings often resulted in making "to-do" notes on scraps of paper, post-it notes, and sometimes even a napkin if it was over lunch or dinner.  My action lists were out of control—they were more like my inaction lists!  Barely surviving, my nostrils the only thing above the water line, I treaded in the deep end as my legs were giving out. It was time to sink or swim.  It was time to get organized because I was definitely sinking. 

One day it occurred to me that I should put all my action items in one place.  I know that might seem obvious—and it was to me too once I thought of it! ...a big "duh" moment for sure—but I was so overwhelmed I couldn't think clearly ...and sometimes not at all!  So I grabbed a small notebook from the office supply cabinet and wrote across the front in bold letters "Ruthie's To-Do List"  with a note (reminder to me) "Actions Only!"   I started transferring all my various actions and scribbled to-do notes into the "one" notebook.  And I carried it with me everywhere I went.  Even the bathroom!
TOT Tip: Make a Running Action List
Get a small notebook that is easy for you to carry around—at least most of the time.  Write on the front of it: ACTION LIST for _________ (your name) or something along those lines. When you get an idea for a birthday or holiday gift write it down.  When you have to renew your tabs, pay a bill, pick up friend at the airport next week, or send a thank you note, write it down. Make your entry a really short and simple statement (action) though—this is really important.  If it ends up looking like a bunch of journal entries or a grocery list it becomes more work to plow through and pluck out the "to-do" items.  This notebook is ONLY for things you want to do and nothing more!

And if you do need to make a quick note on a napkin or post-it just tuck it inside your Action List Notebook when you get home.  Transfer these loose notes over next time you sit to update your Action List.
How does this TOT Tip help you on an energetic level?

This TOT Tip supports your Root Chakra because being organized is super grounding!  Being grounded gives a sense of peace; a key aspect of the root chakra.  When we feel that our surroundings and "to-do" lists are scattered all over the place, we lose our footing and—literally—run around in circles! And what a sense of Peace it is to see all the items lined through upon completion! 

The Third Chakra also benefits because the more productive you are—that is to say the more you follow through on your intentions (your to-do's)—the more emPOWERed and confident you become!  The third chakra is about "self stuff"—like self-confidence and personal power.  

I had a teacher a few years back tell me to stop making lists because it limited my intuition.  And that may feel true for you but, honestly, it's the complete opposite for me.  We agreed to disagree on that one.   Once I did this same exercise for my personal life my whole world became more peaceful.  I felt a sense of control which allowed me to relax, and become "more" open to my intuition, not less. 

Bottom line: lists are not all bad.  Don't think you are boring or too structured or rigid because you need a list.  Let's face it, we live in a hectic and demanding culture.  If you're feeling scattered or overwhelmed with too many action items, see if this might help.

And, oh, having an organized Action List Notebook is a great way to start the New Year!

Happy Holidays to You!

PS:  This could be a great gift idea for someone you know who could use a little help staying afloat. 

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