Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trinity of Truth Tip: Aum Your Way to Health

When I am feeling out of sorts, off center, or not grounded for some reason, I start auming.  The reason it works is because the sound of AUM (OM) is the cosmic vibration of the Universe.  We are part of that Universe.  The AUM vibration is in our cosmic DNA, the deepest part of our being.  When we connect to the depths of our creation, we get grounded, centered, and feel secure once again.

I also aum my family's food as a way of blessing it before we consume it.  If I forget, my husband now reminds me!  It's as simple as holding your hands over the food and chanting aum a few times.  Imagine light radiating from your hands (because it is!) and penetrating the food and drink.  Know that you are consuming cosmic, healing, energetic, light. Do this with everything you consume (vitamins, supplements, medications, anything you put in your body). 

I took the photo in this post the fall of 2010 on a beach in British Columbia (Salt Spring Island to be exact).  My husband and I were there celebrating our wedding anniversary.  It was on a cool morning walk that I came upon this hollowed out log.  It struck me that I was to meditate here.  And so I did.  In the freedom of seclusion, I aumed out loud with complete abandon.  In the stillness of this piece of earth, the vibration of the earth, through that log, sang back to me.  I returned later to build the "om" inside. 

This picture reminds me of the peace found in the simple act of sharing an aum (om) or two with nature.   As often as you can, sing or hum aum as you walk, run, or hike while outside.  The birds will hear you ...and they just love it when you sing back to them.

Aum, peace, to you........

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