Thursday, March 14, 2013

Trinity of Truth Tip: Live in the Light

Recently, I had an experience where I felt repulsed by something that came up in a conversation.  It troubled me so much, and had such a tight hold on me, that I couldn’t even sleep that night.  After some hours of angst, I became motivated to get any semblance of the "thing" (the negative energy) out of me.  

When I remembered to let myself be vulnerable enough to go into the darkness the shift (from darkness to light) happened.  I asked myself, “What is the opposite of this dirty feeling I now hold inside of me? What does the opposite of this evil thing look like?” Immediately, I saw, felt, and was embraced by, the brilliance of God's light.

Try this: 
Get quiet and take a few cleansing breaths to center yourself.  Once feeling centered, allow yourself to feel the negativity of an issue, memory, or feeling that’s troubling you.  As hard and as scary as it may be, allow yourself to fall into the darkness, the negativity of whatever it is that’s got a hold on you. 
Now, ask yourself what the opposite of this darkness looks like.  Its opposite is always light.  See the brilliance of light surrounding you.  Now, with the help of your breath, leap into the vastness of the light. Allow the light to consume you, to cleanse you. Live in it.
If we allow ourselves to fall deep into the darkness of a negative energy—really feel it to the bone—for the purpose of launching us into the opposing positive energy of a particular emotion, we can use the blackest black of darkness to catapult us into the whitest, purest, light: the darker the dark, the whiter (purer) the light. If we can remember that all darkness is an invitation to leap into the light, we can use this life experiencewhich, by its very nature is laden with darknessto cleanse the soul, one dark spot at a time. The darkest dark can transform us into the lightest light.
Living in the light,

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